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Ration for a Family

Millions of people are struggling to access food and rations to keep themselves and their families safe.

If the situation grows worse, who knows… the survival might get difficult too.

You can help with Ration Kits for Families Facing Hunger.

We aim to provide ration kits to at least 100 poor families every month who are penniless  and it cannot be done without you. 

YOU have the power to not let them sleep hungry for another day.

Each weekly ration kit costs only ₹500 and contains Daal, Rice, Salt, Oil, Atta, Masala, Tea, Sugar etc. These kits are distributed to the needy in areas of TamilNadu and Karnataka.


The weekly ration kits would help the vulnerable and the old aged to sustain themselves and their families and also increase the nutritional level of the children in the families

How you can help

You can be a part of the solution to provide weekly ration kits to the homeless, poor labourers and their families.

Donate ₹500 for weekly ration for a family

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